The Queen's Royal Hussars Museum

The Museum of The Queen's Royal Hussars is a military museum based in Warwick , telling the story of The Queen's Royal Hussars through a series of thematic galleries and interactive
displays. Together it provides visitors with the opportunity to discover how Hussars lived and fought across the centuries and to see an incredible collection of items spanning several centuries that are on display.

The themed galleries start with the Hussars of the present and move back through time to those of the past. They include such themes as Keeping the Peace and Churchill - The Greatest Hussar, telling the story of Sir Winston Churchill as a fighting soldier and Regimental Colonel as part of his lifetime's close links to the Regiment.

The new addition to the Museum and its visitor offering is The Parker Gallery. Set in a newly refurbished part of the Museum, many of the items displayed in this building have been bequeathed to the museum by the late Major Sir Michael Parker KCVO, CBE and his family. Major Parker was a prominent member of The Queen's Own Hussars whilst serving with the Regiment and during his service he went on to organise over 300 official national, international, and royal occasions; most famously the Royal Tournaments and tattoos national and international as well as many major royal events for Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Parker Gallery is the completion of phase two of a new design and build at the Museum and is populated by pictures, audio-visual displays and many artefacts from both the Parker collection and all The Queen's Royal Hussars Regiments past and present.

The museum and its new Parker Gallery is open every Friday and weekend including bank holidays from the end of April to the end of October; on Fridays and Saturdays between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm, Sundays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and Bank Holidays 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Entry to the museum is free, with donations in lieu gratefully received and welcomed. Larger groups of 15 or more visitors and school parties are also welcome and invited to contact the Museum's Curator to book in advance and discuss their individual needs and requirements.

For further information, please contact the Museum by telephone on 01926 402459 or by email at Further details about the Museum are also available by visiting their website at

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